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Bjarnes frø og planter: http://www.barney.dk/
Bjarne Højlund har et stort udvalg af chilifrø og andre spændende planter. Han dyrker selv masser af chili, deler ud af sine erfaringer og gør gerne en indsats for at finde specielle frø, hvis man har særligt ønske. Mine varmeste anbefalinger.
Semilla Seeds: http://www.semillas.de/
Semilla Seeds har over 600 forskellige chili-frø at tilbyde til rimelig penge. Vær opmærksom på, at der købes med bankoverførsel før frøene sendes, men der er hurtig respons og helt unikke chilier at finde her.
Gartneri Toftegård: http://www.gartneri-toftegaard.dk/
Gartneri Toftegård ligger uden for Køge i Vedskølle og sælger øko-chiliplanter fra April til september (I foråret kan købes planter fra onlineshoppen ud over i gårdbutikken). Lene Tvedegård ejer sammen med sin mand Ole Schou gartneriet og specialiserer sig netop i chilier, tomater og krydderurter. Hun har i øvrigt skrevet bogen "Den lille stærke om chili", hvor man kan finder gode råd og inspiration. I september hvert år afholder Toftegård smagedage, hvor man kan høre foredrag om chili og smage alle de forskellige chili.
Er et dansk forum for chili-entusiaster. Her kan du deltage aktivt i debatter om chilier, dele opskrifter, spørge andre chili-dyrkere til råds eller blot søge inspiration. Chilifan.dk har en anbefalelsesværdig facebook-gruppe "De
Er et engelsksproget forum, hvor du finder sektioner både til dyrkning af chili (gode råd til almindelig dyrkning, hydro-dyrkning, anvendelse af lys/lamper, chili som bonsai osv), brug af chili/opskrifter, chiliproduktioner og logbøger fra chilidyrkere over hele verden.
Er et dansk forum for chili-entusiaster. Her kan du deltage aktivt i debatter om chilier, dele opskrifter, spørge andre chili-dyrkere til råds eller blot søge inspiration. Chilifan.dk har en anbefalelsesværdig facebook-gruppe "De
Er et engelsksproget forum, hvor du finder sektioner både til dyrkning af chili (gode råd til almindelig dyrkning, hydro-dyrkning, anvendelse af lys/lamper, chili som bonsai osv), brug af chili/opskrifter, chiliproduktioner og logbøger fra chilidyrkere over hele verden.
The Chile Man har ud over udførlige guides til chilidyrkning på engelsk en stor chilidatabase. I skrivende stund indeholder databasen 3729 forskellige chilityper, hvoraf 2017 er med billeder. Her kan man søge på navn, styrke, oprindelsesland, art eller en kombination af disse.
Er også en engelsk-sproget database med over 3000 forskellige chilier. Databasen giver alene mulighed for at søge på navn eller man kan manøvrere alfabetisk.
Der er efterhånden mange, som dyrker chili og som deler deres erfaringer med andre via deres hjemmesider og blogs.
Acedo, Antonio L. Jr. (2009): "Postharvest Technology for Fresh Chili Pepper in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam", AVRDC Publication Number: 10-735
Ahmet, Nazeer & Tanki, M.I (1994): “Effect on planting distance and direction on natural cross pollination and their role in seed production of pepper”, Capsicum and Eggplant Newsletter, 1994, 13 s. 94-96.
Anderson, ed. (2007) : "Flower Breeding and Genetics: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities for the 21.st Century", Springer, Holland.
Andrews, Jean (1993): "Diffusion of Mesoamerican Food Complex to Southeastern Europe", The Amarican Geografical Society of New Yourk. USA
Andrews, Jean (1995): "Peppers:The domesticated Capsicums", University of Texas Press, USA
Apega: "ajies PERUANOs - Sazón para el mundo" Apega, Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molia m.fk., www. apega.pe
Appendino Giovanni et al, 2004, "Development of the First Ultra-Potent “Capsaicinoid” Agonist at Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid Type 1 (TRPV1) Channels and Its Therapeutic Potential", i The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Vol. 312, Nr. 2, USA.
Aguilar-Moreno, Manuel (2006): "Handbook to Life in the Aztec World", Oxford University Press
Bates, Steven (2010): "India deploys worlds hottest chilli to fight terrorism", Guardian.co.uk, 23. marts 2010
Berdan, Frances & Rieff, Patricia Anawalt (1997): "The essensial Codex Medoza", University of California Press, 1997.
Betanzos, Juan de (1557): "Narrative of the Incas", oversat af Roland Hamilton,Dana Buchanan 1996, University of Texas Press.
Bolen, Anne (2007): The New Wold´s Oldest Calendar, Smithsonian magazine, May 2007, Smithsonian.com
Bourne, Edward G ed. . & Olson, Julius ed. (1906) "The Norhtmen, Columbus, and Cabot", Charles Schribners Sons, USA
Bos, L. “Beijerinck's work on tobacco mosaic virus: historical context and legacy”, DLO Research Institute for Plant Protection (IPO-DLO), POBox 9060, 6700 GW Wageningen,The Netherlands
Bosland, Paul W. (1996): "Capsicums: Innovative uses of an ancient crop. p. 479-487. In: J. Janick (ed.), Progress in new crops. ASHS Press, Arlington, VA.
Bosland, Paul W & Baral, Jit B (2006): "Bhut Jolokia -- The World's Hottest Known Chile Pepper is a Putative Naturalle Occurring Interspecific Hybrid", Department of Plant and Enviromenatal Scienses, New Mexico State University, Las Cruses, NM 88003
Bosland, Paul & Dewitt, Dave (1996): "Peppers of the word: an identifcation guide", Ten Speed Press, Berkely, California, USA.
Cold, Daniel Henrik Otto (1858): "Lægevæsenet og lægerne under Christian IV's regiering: (1588-1648)", En afhandling for Doktorgraden i Medicinen, Louis Kleins Bogtrykkeri, København
Cordus, Valerius (1556): ”Annotationes in Pedacij. Dioscorides de medica materia: lib. V”
Darraidou, André (2011): "Espelette - une histoire qui ne manque pas de piment", i Fondation prospective et Innovation, Cercle des entreprenueurs du futur, "Impetinences2011 Onze contributions pour penser et agir autrement", La documentation Francaise.
Dash, Chittaranjan (2006): ”Social ecology and demographic structure of Bhotias: narratives & discourses” Ashok Kumar Mittal, New Delhi, Indien
Den Store Danske. Gyldendals Åbne encyklopædi. www.denstoredanske.dk (om tobakmosaikvirus)
Duncan, N. A. Pearsall, D. M, Benfer, Robert A. Jr. (2009): "Gourd and squash artifacts yield starch grains of feasting foods from preceramic Peru" , PNAS, August 11, 2009, vol. 106 no. 32
EU, Rådets Forordning (20/3, 2005): "Om beskyttelse af geografiske betegnelser og oprindelsesbetegnelser for landbrugsprodukter og fødevarer, Nr. 510/2006 af 20. marts 2006". Obs: erstattet af Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets Forordning (EU) nr. 1151/2012 om kvalitetsordninger for landbrugsprodukter og fødevarer.
EU - ansøgning 15. maj 2001 : Ansøgning om BOB - EF-Nr.: G/FR/00131/2000.05.18. -
EU- ansøgning offentliggjort 27.februar 2013: Ansøgning om ændring af BOB - FR/PDO/0105/0131
EU-Ansøgning: Offentliggjort 24 januar.1994: Ansøgning om BOB EF-nr. VI B14/ESP/0080/94.1.24
EU-ansøgning: Offentliggjort 1.december 2010: Ansøgning om BGB EF-Nr: ES-PGI-005-0673-31.08.2008
Europakommisionen, Door: http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/quality/door/list.html, EU-database med produkter, der enten er eller har ansøgt om "Beskyttet oprindelsesbetegnelse", "Beskyttet geografisk betegnelse" eller "Garanti for Traditionel Specialitet".
Feo, Vincenzo De (2003)” Ethnomedical field study in northern Peruvian Andes with particular reference to divination practices”, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 85 (2003) 243–256, Received 8 July 2002; received in revised form 20 December 2002; accepted 20 December 2002, In memory of Dr. Richard Evans Schultes.
Gamboa, Pedro Sarmiento de (1907): "History of the Incas", Ocampo, Baltasar de, Markham, Robert Clements, Oviedo, Gabriel de
Gerarde, John (1597): "The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes", London
Goldberg, Natalie P. (1995 – på nettet 2001): "Chile Pepper Diseases”, The Chile Pepper Institute, New Mexico State University, Circular 549, Goldberg: Extension Plant Pathologist, College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental Sciences New Mexico State University, USA http://www.nmsu.edu/
Good, John Mason m.fl. (1813): “Pantologia: A new cyclopaedia, comprehending a complete series of essays, treaties, and Systems, alphabetically arranged with a general dictionary of arts, sciences, and words: The hole presenting a distinct survey of human genius, learning, and Industri". London
Greenleaf, Walter.H., (1986): "Pepper breeding". In: Basset MJ (ed) Breeding Vegetable Crops. AVI publishing Co. inc.,Wesport, Connecticut (USA),
Hamilton, Jane (2010): "New Worlds Hottest Chilli", thesun.co.uk, Published 09 Sep 2010
Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial (04/06, 2010): ”Declaratoria General de Protecciön de la Denominación de Origen Chili Habanero de la Peninsula de Yucatan", Mexico.
Janich, Jules (2008):"Horticultural Reviews, Bind 34", John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Jennings, Frank W.: “Popular Chili Queens Graced San Antonio Plazas" ”http://www.uiw.edu/sanantonio/jenningschiliqueens.html
Kaplan, Lawrence (1980): "Variation in the Cultivated Beans. In Guitarrero Cave. Early Man in the Andes", Thomas F. Lynch, ed.: 145–148. Academic Press, New York.
1994 Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Dates and the Antiquity of Phaseolus Cultivation. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 37: 131– 132
Klieber, Andreas (2000): "Chilli Spice Production in Australia", A report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation,
Kraft, Kraig H. , Luna-Ruız, Jose ́de Jesus, Gepts, Paul (2013): "A new collection of wild populations of Capsicum in Mexico and the southern United States" , Genet Resour Crop Evol (2013) 60:225–232, Received: 25 July 2011 / Accepted: 5 March 2012 / Published online: 20 April 2012 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2012
Lange, Axel (1919): "Botaniske Haver", Fra Arbejder i Botaniske haver, Særtryk af "Danmarks Havebrug og Gartneri.." , Levin & Munksgaard etc, København
Levine, Arnold J. & Lustig, Alice (1992): “One Hundred Years of Virology”, Journal of Virology, Aug. 1992, p. 4629-4631, American Society for Microbiology.
Linné, Carl/ / Linnæo, Carolo (1737): "Hortus Cliffortianus: Plantas exhibens quas In Hortis tam vivis quam siccis, Hartecampi in Hollandia" , Amsterdam
Linné, Carl// Linnæo, Carolo (1767): "Mantissa Plantarum".,
Lowry, Beverly (1986): ”Sic Transic Chili – 1936 San Antonio dethrones the Chili Queens”, Texas Monthly jan 1986, s. 151.
Malling, Gerd (2002): "Ålholm-grevernes samlinger - et essay om naturhistorie og modernitet", Fortid og Nutid s. 83-102
Marchesnay, Michel. (2002),: "Individual and collective entrepreneurship for SMEs: The case of “French Exception”"
Mori A. et al, 2006: "Capsaicin, a component of red peppers, inhibits the growth of androgen-independent, p53 mutant prostate cancer cells", Cancer Res. 2006 Mar 15;66(6):3222-9, Division of Hematology/Oncology, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, University of California at Los Angeles School of Medicine, CA 90048, USA..
(OAS:2004/2005): "Fact Sheet: Chillies and Aflatoxin Contamination, Organization of Amarican States in cooperation with the Mayen Reserve Foundation, Belize.
Paulli, Simon (1653): "Viridaria varia", København
Pharmacopoea Danica (1786): "Pharmacopoea Danica, regia autoritate collegio medico Havniensi conscripta"
Pearsall Deborah M (2003) "Plant Food Resources of the Ecuadorian Formative: An Overview and Comparison to the Central Andes, i "Archaeology of Formative Ecuador" J. Scott Raymond and Ric hard L. Burger, Editors, Jeffrey Quilter, General Editor, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washinton DC.
Perry, Linda & Flannery, Kent V. (2007): Precolumbian use of chili peppers in the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico, *Archaeobiology Program, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History and Museum of Anthropology, Communicated by Joyce Marcus, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, May 29, 2007
Perry, L, Dichau, Zarillo, S m.fl. (2007): "Starch Fossils and the Domestication and Dispersal of Chili Peppers (Capsicum spp. L.) in the Americas", Science 16 February 2007, Vol. 315 no. 5814 pp. 986-988
Pickersgill, Barbera (1969) :"The Archaeological Record of Chili Peppers (Capsicum Spp.) and the Sequence of Plant Domestication in Peru",,American Antiquity, Vol. 34, No. 1 (Jan., 1969), pp. 54-61, Published by: Society for American Archaeology
Pickersbill, Barbara (2008): "The domestication of Chili Peber" i Dimbleby,G. & Ucko P. ed.: "The Domestication and Exploitation of Plants and Animals", p. 443-450, Transactions Publishers, New Jersey, USA.
Plantedirektoratet (2007): ”Plantedirektoratet orienterer” – om skadegørere i capsicum/chili/pepper. http://pdir.fvm.dk/
Plati, Susan: "One, Two, Three....TMV". http://www.accessexcellence.org/AE/AEC/AEF/1996/plati_tmv.php
Portilla, Miguel León (2002): "Bernardino de Sahagún, first anthropologist ", Oprindeligt 1999: "Bernadino de Sahagún: Pienero de la antropologia, Universidad National autónoma de México. oversat af Mixco, Mauricio, University of Oklahoma Press
Prouiz, Donald A (2006) : A Sourcebook of nasca Ceramis Iconography - Reading a Culture Through its Art, S. 165, University of Iowa Press ISA.
Ryding, Oluf (2002) "Count F.C. Rabenøs Brazilian Herbaria", TAXON 51, may 2002 369-396
Sanatombi, Keithellakpam (2007): "U morok in the Hot Marathon", The Sangai Express, Webcastet 16. october 2007
Sánhez et al, 2006: "Induction of apoptosis in prostate tumor PC-3 cells and inhibition of xenograft prostate tumor growth by the vanilloid capsaicin",
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, School of Medicine, University of Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, 28871, Spain..
Schumacher, Christian Friedrich (1825): "Medicinsk Plantelaere for studerende Laeger og Pharmaceutiker, Bind 1", På Udgiverens Forlag, Trykt hos Direteur Jens Hostrup Schulzt, Kongelig og Universitets-bogtrykker, Kjöbenhavn
Smith, Donald, (2007): "Chili pepper starch grains linked to ancient settlement sites across the Americas", Smithsonian Research online
Stephenson, John & Churchill, James Morss (1831): “Medical botany, or, Illustrations and descriptions of the medicinal plants”, .Botson and Palmer, Savoy Street, Strand. London
Subramanian, Sethuraman (2007): "Everything you wanted to know about chili peppers but were afraid to ask!", chennaionline.com, November, 2007
Tewksbury, Joshua J & Nabhan, Gary P. (2007); "Directed deterrence by capsaicin in chillies", Nature, vol. 412, 26. Juli 2001.
Tewksbury, Joshua & Reagan, M. Karen et al, editor Berenbaum, May (2008): ”Evolutionary ecology of pungency in wild chilies”, The National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 19. August 2008, Vol. 105, nr. 33
Ugeskrift for læger (1882): "Ugeskrift for læger, Bind 36–37", Af Almindelige danske lægeforening, Redigeret af Dr. F. Trier, Kjøbenhavn, C.A, Reitzels Forlag, 1862
Uhl, S.R (2000): "Spices, Seasonings, & Flavorings", Technomic Publishing Company, Lancaster
Wetter, C . (1984): “Serological Identification of Four Tobamoviruses Infecting Pepper", Plant Desease 68:597-599, Wetter: Professor, Department of Botany, University of Saarland, D 66-Saarbriicken, West Germany
Woodward, David & Malcolm, Lewis G. ed. (1998): "The History of Cartography: Cartography in the traditional African, American, Arctic, Australian and Pacific Societies". The University of Chicago, USA
Ahmet, Nazeer & Tanki, M.I (1994): “Effect on planting distance and direction on natural cross pollination and their role in seed production of pepper”, Capsicum and Eggplant Newsletter, 1994, 13 s. 94-96.
Anderson, ed. (2007) : "Flower Breeding and Genetics: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities for the 21.st Century", Springer, Holland.
Andrews, Jean (1993): "Diffusion of Mesoamerican Food Complex to Southeastern Europe", The Amarican Geografical Society of New Yourk. USA
Andrews, Jean (1995): "Peppers:The domesticated Capsicums", University of Texas Press, USA
Apega: "ajies PERUANOs - Sazón para el mundo" Apega, Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molia m.fk., www. apega.pe
Appendino Giovanni et al, 2004, "Development of the First Ultra-Potent “Capsaicinoid” Agonist at Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid Type 1 (TRPV1) Channels and Its Therapeutic Potential", i The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Vol. 312, Nr. 2, USA.
Aguilar-Moreno, Manuel (2006): "Handbook to Life in the Aztec World", Oxford University Press
Bates, Steven (2010): "India deploys worlds hottest chilli to fight terrorism", Guardian.co.uk, 23. marts 2010
Berdan, Frances & Rieff, Patricia Anawalt (1997): "The essensial Codex Medoza", University of California Press, 1997.
Betanzos, Juan de (1557): "Narrative of the Incas", oversat af Roland Hamilton,Dana Buchanan 1996, University of Texas Press.
Bolen, Anne (2007): The New Wold´s Oldest Calendar, Smithsonian magazine, May 2007, Smithsonian.com
Bourne, Edward G ed. . & Olson, Julius ed. (1906) "The Norhtmen, Columbus, and Cabot", Charles Schribners Sons, USA
Bos, L. “Beijerinck's work on tobacco mosaic virus: historical context and legacy”, DLO Research Institute for Plant Protection (IPO-DLO), POBox 9060, 6700 GW Wageningen,The Netherlands
Bosland, Paul W. (1996): "Capsicums: Innovative uses of an ancient crop. p. 479-487. In: J. Janick (ed.), Progress in new crops. ASHS Press, Arlington, VA.
Bosland, Paul W & Baral, Jit B (2006): "Bhut Jolokia -- The World's Hottest Known Chile Pepper is a Putative Naturalle Occurring Interspecific Hybrid", Department of Plant and Enviromenatal Scienses, New Mexico State University, Las Cruses, NM 88003
Bosland, Paul & Dewitt, Dave (1996): "Peppers of the word: an identifcation guide", Ten Speed Press, Berkely, California, USA.
Cold, Daniel Henrik Otto (1858): "Lægevæsenet og lægerne under Christian IV's regiering: (1588-1648)", En afhandling for Doktorgraden i Medicinen, Louis Kleins Bogtrykkeri, København
Cordus, Valerius (1556): ”Annotationes in Pedacij. Dioscorides de medica materia: lib. V”
Darraidou, André (2011): "Espelette - une histoire qui ne manque pas de piment", i Fondation prospective et Innovation, Cercle des entreprenueurs du futur, "Impetinences2011 Onze contributions pour penser et agir autrement", La documentation Francaise.
Dash, Chittaranjan (2006): ”Social ecology and demographic structure of Bhotias: narratives & discourses” Ashok Kumar Mittal, New Delhi, Indien
Den Store Danske. Gyldendals Åbne encyklopædi. www.denstoredanske.dk (om tobakmosaikvirus)
Duncan, N. A. Pearsall, D. M, Benfer, Robert A. Jr. (2009): "Gourd and squash artifacts yield starch grains of feasting foods from preceramic Peru" , PNAS, August 11, 2009, vol. 106 no. 32
EU, Rådets Forordning (20/3, 2005): "Om beskyttelse af geografiske betegnelser og oprindelsesbetegnelser for landbrugsprodukter og fødevarer, Nr. 510/2006 af 20. marts 2006". Obs: erstattet af Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets Forordning (EU) nr. 1151/2012 om kvalitetsordninger for landbrugsprodukter og fødevarer.
EU - ansøgning 15. maj 2001 : Ansøgning om BOB - EF-Nr.: G/FR/00131/2000.05.18. -
EU- ansøgning offentliggjort 27.februar 2013: Ansøgning om ændring af BOB - FR/PDO/0105/0131
EU-Ansøgning: Offentliggjort 24 januar.1994: Ansøgning om BOB EF-nr. VI B14/ESP/0080/94.1.24
EU-ansøgning: Offentliggjort 1.december 2010: Ansøgning om BGB EF-Nr: ES-PGI-005-0673-31.08.2008
Europakommisionen, Door: http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/quality/door/list.html, EU-database med produkter, der enten er eller har ansøgt om "Beskyttet oprindelsesbetegnelse", "Beskyttet geografisk betegnelse" eller "Garanti for Traditionel Specialitet".
Feo, Vincenzo De (2003)” Ethnomedical field study in northern Peruvian Andes with particular reference to divination practices”, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 85 (2003) 243–256, Received 8 July 2002; received in revised form 20 December 2002; accepted 20 December 2002, In memory of Dr. Richard Evans Schultes.
Gamboa, Pedro Sarmiento de (1907): "History of the Incas", Ocampo, Baltasar de, Markham, Robert Clements, Oviedo, Gabriel de
Gerarde, John (1597): "The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes", London
Goldberg, Natalie P. (1995 – på nettet 2001): "Chile Pepper Diseases”, The Chile Pepper Institute, New Mexico State University, Circular 549, Goldberg: Extension Plant Pathologist, College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental Sciences New Mexico State University, USA http://www.nmsu.edu/
Good, John Mason m.fl. (1813): “Pantologia: A new cyclopaedia, comprehending a complete series of essays, treaties, and Systems, alphabetically arranged with a general dictionary of arts, sciences, and words: The hole presenting a distinct survey of human genius, learning, and Industri". London
Greenleaf, Walter.H., (1986): "Pepper breeding". In: Basset MJ (ed) Breeding Vegetable Crops. AVI publishing Co. inc.,Wesport, Connecticut (USA),
Hamilton, Jane (2010): "New Worlds Hottest Chilli", thesun.co.uk, Published 09 Sep 2010
Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial (04/06, 2010): ”Declaratoria General de Protecciön de la Denominación de Origen Chili Habanero de la Peninsula de Yucatan", Mexico.
Janich, Jules (2008):"Horticultural Reviews, Bind 34", John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Jennings, Frank W.: “Popular Chili Queens Graced San Antonio Plazas" ”http://www.uiw.edu/sanantonio/jenningschiliqueens.html
Kaplan, Lawrence (1980): "Variation in the Cultivated Beans. In Guitarrero Cave. Early Man in the Andes", Thomas F. Lynch, ed.: 145–148. Academic Press, New York.
1994 Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Dates and the Antiquity of Phaseolus Cultivation. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 37: 131– 132
Klieber, Andreas (2000): "Chilli Spice Production in Australia", A report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation,
Kraft, Kraig H. , Luna-Ruız, Jose ́de Jesus, Gepts, Paul (2013): "A new collection of wild populations of Capsicum in Mexico and the southern United States" , Genet Resour Crop Evol (2013) 60:225–232, Received: 25 July 2011 / Accepted: 5 March 2012 / Published online: 20 April 2012 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2012
Lange, Axel (1919): "Botaniske Haver", Fra Arbejder i Botaniske haver, Særtryk af "Danmarks Havebrug og Gartneri.." , Levin & Munksgaard etc, København
Levine, Arnold J. & Lustig, Alice (1992): “One Hundred Years of Virology”, Journal of Virology, Aug. 1992, p. 4629-4631, American Society for Microbiology.
Linné, Carl/ / Linnæo, Carolo (1737): "Hortus Cliffortianus: Plantas exhibens quas In Hortis tam vivis quam siccis, Hartecampi in Hollandia" , Amsterdam
Linné, Carl// Linnæo, Carolo (1767): "Mantissa Plantarum".,
Lowry, Beverly (1986): ”Sic Transic Chili – 1936 San Antonio dethrones the Chili Queens”, Texas Monthly jan 1986, s. 151.
Malling, Gerd (2002): "Ålholm-grevernes samlinger - et essay om naturhistorie og modernitet", Fortid og Nutid s. 83-102
Marchesnay, Michel. (2002),: "Individual and collective entrepreneurship for SMEs: The case of “French Exception”"
Mori A. et al, 2006: "Capsaicin, a component of red peppers, inhibits the growth of androgen-independent, p53 mutant prostate cancer cells", Cancer Res. 2006 Mar 15;66(6):3222-9, Division of Hematology/Oncology, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, University of California at Los Angeles School of Medicine, CA 90048, USA..
(OAS:2004/2005): "Fact Sheet: Chillies and Aflatoxin Contamination, Organization of Amarican States in cooperation with the Mayen Reserve Foundation, Belize.
Paulli, Simon (1653): "Viridaria varia", København
Pharmacopoea Danica (1786): "Pharmacopoea Danica, regia autoritate collegio medico Havniensi conscripta"
Pearsall Deborah M (2003) "Plant Food Resources of the Ecuadorian Formative: An Overview and Comparison to the Central Andes, i "Archaeology of Formative Ecuador" J. Scott Raymond and Ric hard L. Burger, Editors, Jeffrey Quilter, General Editor, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washinton DC.
Perry, Linda & Flannery, Kent V. (2007): Precolumbian use of chili peppers in the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico, *Archaeobiology Program, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History and Museum of Anthropology, Communicated by Joyce Marcus, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, May 29, 2007
Perry, L, Dichau, Zarillo, S m.fl. (2007): "Starch Fossils and the Domestication and Dispersal of Chili Peppers (Capsicum spp. L.) in the Americas", Science 16 February 2007, Vol. 315 no. 5814 pp. 986-988
Pickersgill, Barbera (1969) :"The Archaeological Record of Chili Peppers (Capsicum Spp.) and the Sequence of Plant Domestication in Peru",,American Antiquity, Vol. 34, No. 1 (Jan., 1969), pp. 54-61, Published by: Society for American Archaeology
Pickersbill, Barbara (2008): "The domestication of Chili Peber" i Dimbleby,G. & Ucko P. ed.: "The Domestication and Exploitation of Plants and Animals", p. 443-450, Transactions Publishers, New Jersey, USA.
Plantedirektoratet (2007): ”Plantedirektoratet orienterer” – om skadegørere i capsicum/chili/pepper. http://pdir.fvm.dk/
Plati, Susan: "One, Two, Three....TMV". http://www.accessexcellence.org/AE/AEC/AEF/1996/plati_tmv.php
Portilla, Miguel León (2002): "Bernardino de Sahagún, first anthropologist ", Oprindeligt 1999: "Bernadino de Sahagún: Pienero de la antropologia, Universidad National autónoma de México. oversat af Mixco, Mauricio, University of Oklahoma Press
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